Every three years, JROTC programs across the country are required to be accredited similar to the way schools are accredited. The assessment is called the JROTC Program for Accreditation, or JPA. On March 30th, Smithfield High School JROTC had their JPA conducted by Army Instructors representing the Army’s 4th ROTC Brigade located at Fort Bragg, North Carolina.
During the assessment, evaluators graded a color guard performance, a platoon drill performance, a test of cadets’ academic knowledge based on cadet portfolios, and both of the Army Instructors’ required portfolios, as well as graded two briefings presented by the Packer Battalion Staff and select cadets from each level of cadet proficiency. The Packer Battalion earned a score of 95.9%, earning and keeping the coveted Honor Unit With Distinction (HUD) gold star rating (the highest rating a program can have), which SHS JROTC has continuously held since its inception in 1993. Your SHS JROTC cadets worked hard all year to prepare for the event, and it paid off! Congratulations to the Packer Battalion on another great achievement!