JROTC and Red Cross Maintain their #1 Status

Smithfield HS JROTC and the Red Cross wrapped up their 4th drive of the school year on April 24th. The drive was a huge success; surpassing the Red Cross goal once again! With cadets running the flow of the drive by working stations and donor flow they assisted the Red Cross and donors creating a smooth drive. Collecting 68 pints of blood this drive and a total of 231 pints for the school year, resulting in almost 700 lives being potentially saved. With these donations, Smithfield High School maintains the top donating school in the state status, and, in addition, the Red Cross selected the Smithfield HS April drive as the blood drive of the week. This was the 2nd time this year SHS drives were selected! We appreciate everyone who donated and hope to continue filling the time spots! The next scheduled drive is October 15th, 2024, so save the date and come support us in retaining the #1 spot in VA. We thank the SHS students, faculty and community members who donated, and encourage all who can to come out again, roll up a sleeve, and save three lives again in October!
Written by Cadet CPT Kadence Distefano
Photo #1: LTC Pete Badoian donates a power red
Photo #2: Cadet Olivia Kramer donates to save lives